Sunday, 10 April 2011




As I am heading into the world of media design for my university years I have chosen to do my idea on..
The Awareness of advertisements today as opposed to previous years.
It is to show how we are becoming more aware of marketing in our surroundings and how it is almost suffocating the relevance of design.

For the making of the clip I was wanting to have a sort of effect showing how this current affair is bad. 
Here are some of my ideas present for the outlook and features of the movie.

- Oren Lavie's video clip, which features her on her bed stop motion style with her 'walking' with obstacles/ objects that come into screen as she is moving through all this space but yet she is still in the same place on her bed.

- Logorama - cartoon world based on advertisements.

I also want the adverts to seem as they're attacking the design student, showing how bad the marketing is affecting the student and her future towards the design industry of Communications.

Project TWO.